x_clare_johnson_x 21st May 2008

hiya phill! it was your funeral lastweek! i dont think i have cried so much in my whole life! i really still cant belive that your gone! i am doin my exams atm! i just think there so hard but they arent as hard as i excpect! i miss you so much! next week i am goin 2 your grave since i havnt had the time yet! i hope your getting looked after up there! and i got told by auntie ethal when somone said that you had sed u where fine after the accident! well thats just you philly! always where so strong! there where loads of people at the funeral! you where loved by soo many people! but as i say god only takes the best! well i will write to you soon! :) love and miss you soo much!oh and we still have bitey! it dusnt half stink haha! bet ur laughin ya head of up there haha! the first mornin i came down the stairs and had 2 put a peg on my nose cause the smell was so bad haha! well he is gettin looked after :) speak 2 you soon philly! love you foreverr! My angell! R.I.P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Love clare your lil cuzz! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx